The JCRC works to raise awareness about current events, politics and social issues impacting Israeli society and international Jewish communities.

We are committed to promoting a secure and vibrant Israel as the Jewish and democratic state and homeland of the Jewish people. We strive to advance peace and reconciliation through education and community action, working within our community and with allies to fight the campaign to delegitimize Israel, oppose the BDS movement and counter local instances of anti-Zionism. Our work includes convening local leadership to coordinate responses to major crises and anti-Israel efforts or incidents, both in the Greater Philadelphia region and internationally.


OpenDor Media

OpenDor Media regularly produces articles, videos, curriculum guides, and much more on topics such as the Arab-Israeli Conflict, Israeli history & culture, Jewish peoplehood, and more, with the goal of strengthening the personal connection of all young Jews to Israel and the Jewish people.

The Jewish Federation has a partnership with OpenDor Media that allows anyone in Greater Philadelphia to access their resources free of charge. To access these resources, please visit the Unpacked for Educators website and register to create a premium account. When checking out, please use the code Philly2021 to get access to the website free of charge. Please note that when you register for the premium account  for the first time, you will be asked to enter your credit card information. However, anyone who puts in  the code above, their credit card will not be charged. 

Hey Alma

Hey Alma is a Jewish culture website and online community that publishes daily articles about pop culture, politics, news, identity, holidays and more, all through a Jewish lens. Their website features a comprehensive guide to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.


Israel21c is a website that breaks from the confines of the media’s traditional depiction of Israel and widens the lens on who Israelis are and what inspires, motivates and challenges them.

Center for Israel Education

The Center for Israel Education provides Israel content with context and perspective for all users. Their target audience includes teens, college students, summer camp staff, Jewish and non-Jewish educators and clergy, and the media.

Hillel International

Hillel International provides college students with resources for engaging with Israel and Jewish life on campus. For students experiencing anti-Israel bias or anti-Zionism on campus, Hillel’s Israel Action Program (IAP) can assist with curating engaging content for campuses and responding to specific anti Israel campaigns.

Hasbara Fellowships

Hasbara Fellowships bring hundreds of students to Israel every summer and winter, giving them the information and tools to return to their campuses as pro-Israel activists and leaders. 

Jewish on Campus

Founded in July 2020, Jewish on Campus works to amplify the voices of Jewish students, strengthen Jewish identity and combat hate to secure the future of the Jewish people. One of their main focuses is countering the BDS movement on college campuses.


The JCRC organizes a number of recurring and individualized programs to educate about Israeli and world Jewry. In times of conflict, the JCRC may schedule emergency briefings to keep the community aware of the latest developments overseas.

Upcoming Programs

Check back for upcoming programs.

Recurring Programs
Web Series with David Horovitz

Occurring five times per year, this virtual webinar series features David Horovitz, Founding Editor of the online newspaper The Times of Israel, leading insider briefings about the latest events happening in Israel and the Middle East.

This program is cosponsored by: Jewish Federation of Delaware, Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley, Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh, Jewish Community Relations Council of Southern New Jersey .

September 12, 2022 – Israel’s Upcoming Election
November 14, 2022 – Israel’s Election Results

Shared Society Initiatives

JCRC engages with various shared society initiatives and organizations in Israel that work to improve coexistence and equality amongst all Israeli citizens. As Israel continues to evolve and become a more complex country, with ongoing waves of immigrants, and many faith traditions, there are organizations that work to bring these groups together for community-building. JCRC works with these organizations to bring together citizens from different communities to meet, talk, share, and, ultimately, humanize one another.

Arab Zionism and the Path to Peace with Dr. Einat Wilf

Dr. Einat Wilf reflects on the transformational impact of the Abraham Accords, the possible emergence of an Arab and Islamic embrace of Zionism, and what all of this might mean for the path to peace between Jews and Arabs, Israelis and Palestinians in the Middle East.

Watch the recording here.

Standing Against Hate

A two-part panel series on the history of, and the fight against, hate in America. Academics and activists discuss the history of hate in America with a focus on antisemitism, anti-Black racism and xenophobia, and the intersections therein.

Watch part one here.

Colonel (Ret.) Grisha Yakubovich on Operation Breaking Dawn

In August 2022, the IDF initiated Operation Breaking Dawn and launched a series of airstrikes across the Gaza Strip specifically targeting Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) operatives. Since then, over 950 rockets were launched toward Israel’s civilian population and Israeli citizens have been forced to spend time in bomb shelters. Colonel (Ret.) Grisha Yakubovich explained how we got to this point and where things are headed from here.

A Report from the Field: Ukraine Update

Updates from the JCRC leadership’s recent trip to the Poland-Ukraine border and a status report on Ukraine’s Jewish community. Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick discussed his experience at the Poland-Ukraine border and his time as a FBI agent based out of Ukraine.


The JCRC has an Israel and World Jewry Affairs committee, which is comprised of lay leaders, which focuses on helping the local community build a positive relationship with Israel by educating about Israel, encouraging political support for Israel, and empowering Jews and non-Jews in the Greater Philadelphia area to support Israel as the democratic nation-state of the Jewish people, with the absolute right to live in peace and security as a member of the community of nations.

Learn more here.

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