
In Fiscal Year 2023, the Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia invested more than $61 million in our community locally, in Israel and around the world.

This includes grant allocations, special allocations, Jewish Federation-run programs that benefit community members, like the Mitzvah Food Program, camp scholarships, Israel trips and more, as well as real estate support.

The Jewish Federation distributed more than $9.7 million from the Jewish Community Fund and other Jewish Federation grant processes (including the Bernard and Etta Weinberg Family Fund, Chair’s Venture Fund, Jewish Federation Real Estate Fund, Justin P. Allman President’s Fund, Women of Vision Endowment Fund) and special funds, all of which helped support our priority areas of building a vibrant Jewish community, caring for those in need, and connecting with Israel and global Jewry.


The core of the Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia’s annual campaign, and the main source of unrestricted dollars, is the Jewish Community Fund (JCF). This fund allows the Jewish Federation to care for our communities locally, in Israel and around the world. Gifts to JCF are pooled with thousands of others to provide much-needed funding for organizations and their programs that match the Jewish Federation’s core priority areas of Caring for Those in Need, Connecting with Israel and Global Jewry and Building a Vibrant Jewish Community. The JCF enables the Jewish Federation to carefully evaluate grant applications and provide grants to organizations and programs that closely match our mission while making a big impact. 

Our Impact