
Summer camp is about so much more than campfires and color war. Kids get the chance to explore who they are—and who they want to become.

Jewish day and overnight camps and alternative educational programs are more than just fun places for children to go – they are a cornerstone in strengthening Jewish identities and securing a vibrant Jewish future for generations to come. Camps offer a home away from home where children form long-lasting friendships, make lifelong memories and experience new connections with Judaism. 


From artists to athletes to just plain kids, there’s a camp for everyone. Are you new to the world of Jewish camping? Discover day camps and overnight camps.


One Happy Camper

Jewish Federation participates in Foundation for Jewish Camps’ (FJC) One Happy Camper program, which offers grants for first-time campers at Jewish Overnight camps on the approved list.

Please note that we have enacted a siblings policy. The first child of each family to attend overnight camp is eligible for the full scholarship amount (either $700 or $1,000 depending on the length of stay at camp), and each additional child in the family is eligible for $500, regardless of year. This is in an effort to provide assistance to as many families as possible.

Children who attend Jewish Day School are not eligible for One Happy Camper grants through the Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia. However, you may reach out to the camp or the Foundation for Jewish Camps directly to see if you qualify for a One Happy Camper grant through another partnering agency. 

scholarships Update

As of summer 2023, we no longer grant camp scholarships to individual families. All scholarship funds are disbursed directly to the camps, not on a per camper basis. Click here to see a list of camps that were awarded Jewish Federation funding in our most recent fiscal year. You may also reach out to your camp directly to inquire if they have any additional scholarships available. 

Security and other resources

All camps in the Eastern Pennsylvania region have access to Secure Community Network (SCN) resources through the Jewish Federation’s SCN officers. These resources include Stop the Bleed® and Active Shooter trainings, where camp counselors learn how to assess their surroundings and utilize tourniquets in emergency situations. Our area camps are also provided with resources for mental health education, Israel engagement and initiatives, and more.

“Jewish summer camps are an important way that we work to connect Jewish children with their heritage and culture, helping the Jewish Federation to actualize its mission of securing a vibrant Jewish future.”

– Jewish Federation Chief Strategy and Impact Officer Dr. Kelly Romirowsky

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