This is an urgent request for your support in standing up for justice and equality.

The leading international LGBTQ+ association, ILGA, has unilaterally suspended The Aguda, Israel’s central LGBTQ+ civil rights group, without granting them the right to defend their case or allowing a vote on their proposal to host an upcoming conference in Israel. This right is afforded to all ILGA members except The Aguda.

This discriminatory decision not only undermines the principles of inclusion and equality that ILGA stands for, but also alienates a crucial voice in the global LGBTQ+ community.

We must take action. A Wider Bridge is leading a petition demanding that ILGA reverse this ill-considered and exclusionary decision. By signing the petition, you can help send a powerful message that diversity, solidarity and mutual respect must triumph over division.

For more information, you can read statements from A Wider Bridge and The Aguda.

You can sign the petition by clicking here.