Happy 30th anniversary Woman of Vision!
My membership for over the last 23 years has been so inspirational, from our mission that drives us to the work that our like-minded fellow members have accomplished. I am so proud of our history and look forward to our future of advancing our meaningful work. Together, we make a difference.

Barbara Lincow

Mazel Tov to Women of Vision on 30 years! So grateful and happy to be a new member!

Melissa Strauss

Congratulations on 30 years!!!
I am so proud of my wonderful friend Andi Barsky who continues to do amazing things for the Jewish community and who inspires me everyday.
Here is to a million more years!!!

Michelle Rodos

It has been exciting to see Women of vision grow in its ability to impact the lives of Jewish girls and women here and in Israel. The initial grants were small and really represented just our support. Now, these grants can be more substantial and can contribute to the mission of our recipient. Congratulations to all who have given their time, leadership and financial support.

Myrna Zeitlin Asher



I have been a proud member of WOV for more than half of our 30 year existence as a premier foundation that exclusively benefits Jewish women and girls. I am so proud of our focus and impact which is needed even more today than over the course of our 30 year history. May we continue to grow and award impactful grants for many, many years to come. Our women are the best!

Penni Blaskey

I am grateful to be a part of the dedication and positive impact WOV makes on the lives of Jewish women and girls. I appreciate the honor of having been Grants Co-Chair and Evaluation Co-Chair of this wonderful organization and being part of the mission by giving, helping and enabling to improve the lives of others.

Amy N Cohen

Women of Vision has given a voice, a platform, and financial support to Philadelphia and Israeli agencies promoting social change and betterment for women & girls. Every year as I participate in the Grant process I feel I have a voice too and a vote. I am proud of all we do.
Mazal Tov to the amazing Women of Vision!

Sharon Greis

I joined Women of Vision in 2015, especially to be involved in advocacy efforts. I had been invited to work with the advocacy committee on a project, and after I met the group, I said “I have to be part of this.” Back then, the committee met in person! And so did the book review gatherings. I enjoyed getting to know other members, and I made connections that I still appreciate.

Lynne J

My participation in WOV has made my heart sing! Mazel Tov for success over 30 years.

Beth Reisboard

My mother and I were both early leaders of Women of Vision and it’s so incredible to see how much the group has grown. WOV has impacted the lives of so many women and girls and I couldn’t be more proud of where we are today.

Donna Feinberg

It is with great pleasure that I congratulate Women of Vision on our 30th Anniversary. What a milestone! As someone who was there from the beginning, I am so proud of the work we have done and the impact we have made in the lives of Jewish women and girls. Our membership is a vibrant group of engaged women who have learned together, advocated for causes, and made grants that have furthered our mission of social change and social justice. We were in the forefront of social change grant making, recognizing that change takes time. Women of Vision is hands-on philanthropy at its best. Mazel Tov!

Renée Sackey, Women of Vision Chair 2008-2011

Congratulations on turning 30! You have empowered so many women in their Jewish Philanthropy by creating an opportunity for meaningful giving and allocations. Jewish Women helping Jewish Women!!
One of my favorite Margaret Mead Quotes: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has. …”

Robin Robbins

Mazel tov to Women Of Vision on thirty years of educating, engaging and empowering its membership to better the lives of Jewish women and girls. Thank you to Sally Cooper Bleznak for your vision in creating this platform for impact. I value every minute that we spend determining how best to steward our resources and our voices to create a better world for generations to come.

Mindy Fortin

Mazel Tov to Women of Vision for lighting the way and making a tremendous impact on women and girls all over the world! You don’t just inspire, you take action, and we are all the beneficiaries! Here’s to 30 more!

Lindsay Davidman

For 30 years, Women of Vision has been making a difference in the lives of women and girls impacted by its philanthropy and grantmaking. In truth, they are not the only ones who have been touched by WOV’s mission. Personally, I have been inspired by the women I have served with, as well as our advocacy efforts and grantmaking. It has been my pleasure and passion to be a part of this unique and forward-thinking organization. Happy 30th!

Marilyn Lieberman