The Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia’s Jewish Community Relations Council is committed to increasing the diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) present in the local community.

This includes building a more just world for all through initiatives like JEDI and JDAIM.


JEDI is an initiative run by the Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA). The JCRC is participating in this initiative, alongside Jewish Learning Venture and Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Greater Philadelphia.

The mission of JEDI is to advance a culture of belonging in Jewish communities and better equip Jewish communal institutions to meet the needs of an increasingly diverse North American Jewry, while building bridges across socially and culturally diverse communities. JEDI aims to mobilize a system-wide effort to advance a transformation in the American consciousness, centering social/racial justice, equity, diversity and inclusion with a Jewish lens amidst political divides.

Some key elements of the JEDI initiative include:

  • Moed – JFNA’s first program ever to be founded and led by Jewish People of color. 
  • Kamochah – a JEDI-based organization for Orthodox Jewish life.
  • Chodeshim – JEDI’s LGBTQ+ community network. 

To learn more about the JEDI initiative, click here.

RESOURCES on Racial Justice
Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism (RAC)

RAC, an initiative of the Union for Reform Judaism, provides materials designed for synagogues and communities to spur learning and conversation about racial diversity, about the deep racial disparities that afflict our society and about how Reform Jews can continue to work for racial justice.

Blog Post: The Social Justice Books That Should Be on Your Reading List

In this blog post, JCRC’s Director of Government Affairs, Robin Schatz, compiles a list of critical social justice-themed titles to read that explore systemic oppression in America and the intersection of Black and Jewish identities.

RESOURCES on Antisemitism
Anti-Defamation League (ADL)

The Anti-Defamation League fights all forms of antisemitism and bias, countering extremism and battling bigotry wherever and whenever it happens. ADL works to protect democracy and ensure a just and inclusive society for all.

American Jewish Committee (AJC)

American Jewish Committee works to impact policy and opinion on some of the most important issues facing the Jewish people.

Unpacked for Educators

Unpacked for Educators, an initiative of OpenDor Media, offers curated videos, premium resources and nuanced educational tools about Israel and Judaism.

The Jewish Federation has a partnership with OpenDor Media that allows anyone in Greater Philadelphia to access their resources free of charge. To access these resources, please visit the Unpacked for Educators website and register to create a premium account. When checking out, please use the code Philly2021 to get access to the website free of charge. Please note that when you register for the premium account  for the first time, you will be asked to enter your credit card information. However, anyone who puts in the code above, their credit card will not be charged. 

Secure Community Network (SCN)

The Secure Community Network is the official homeland security and safety initiative of the organized Jewish community in North America. SCN works with the Jewish Federation to develop and implement strategic frameworks that enhance safety and security of the local Jewish community.

Blog Post: Jewish Federation Brings on Scott Kerns from Secure Community Network

This blog post expands on the community security initiative partnership between the Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia and the Secure Community Network, first formed in late September 2022.

Incident Reporting Form

This form from SCN allows community members to report threats, incidents and suspicious activity aimed toward our local Jewish organizations, facilities and community members.


February is Jewish Disability and Inclusion Month (JDAIM). The mission of JDAIM is to unite Jewish communities worldwide to raise awareness and champion the rights of all Jews to be accepted and included in all aspects of Jewish and community life like anyone else. JDAIM is a month of education, solidarity-building, and empowerment in support of people with disabilities, powered by the Jewish Federations of North America.

This month includes Jewish Disability and Advocacy Day (JDAD), which falls on February 23 and 24. JDAD is a day to break down barriers to opportunity and inclusion, and advance policies that will empower millions of individuals with disabilities to lead more independent and fulfilling lives. 


RespectAbility fights stigmas and advance opportunities so people with disabilities can fully participate in all aspects of faith community life. RespectAbility provides resources specifically for JDAIM.

Blog Post: The Quest to be Understood: the Jewish Federation’s Commitment to Disability Inclusion

This blog post spotlights one of the Jewish Federation’s grantees – Philly Friendship Circle – and the impact the Jewish Federation has on disability inclusion in the local community.

Blog Post: Jewish Disability Awareness & Inclusion Month Is Going Virtual and Staying Strong

This blog post explains the Jewish Federation’s role as a member of Jewish Learning Venture’s Jewish Special Needs/Disability Awareness Consortium.


JCRC’s work is grounded in cultivating relationships and seeking partnerships with different faith and ethnic communities throughout Greater Philadelphia. Through partnerships, events, community programs and discussions, JCRC works with partners from all faith backgrounds on issues of shared concern, including bigotry, antisemitism, systemic racism, homophobia, Islamophobia and religious extremism.

JCRC works closely with Interfaith Philadelphia and the Religious Leaders Council of Greater Philadelphia to create a more welcoming and respectful environment for all, and runs an Interfaith Mission intermittently. Learn more about the mission here.

Interfaith Philadelphia

JCRC works closely with Interfaith Philadelphia. Led by a professional team and Board of Directors whose members reflect a broad spectrum of religious, ethnic, and racial communities, this organization brings together religious leaders, congregants, and youth to get to know each other as people and to learn how to value and respect the “other” while maintaining (and often strengthening) their own religious identities.

Religious Leaders Council of Greater Philadelphia

The Religious Leaders Council of Greater Philadelphia was founded in April 2006, in order to build relationships of mutual support, offer a moral and spiritual voice in the region, and identify issues of local concern for dialogue and action. Co-convened by Rabbi David Straus, who served as chair of the JCRC’s Community Relations Committee from 2010-2014, Archbishop Nelsen Pérez, Imam Anwar Muhaimin, and Bishop Daniel Gutiérrez, the Council represents more than two million people of diverse faith traditions from across the greater Philadelphia region.

How to Get Involved

Click here to learn more about how to take action with the JCRC’s committees.

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