create a legacy gift through these organizations.  

The 13 organizations listed below are participating in the Life & Legacy cohort – a community-wide, four-year legacy giving program in partnership with the Harold Grinspoon Foundation and the Jewish federation of Greater Philadelphia.

By creating a legacy gift through one or more of these organizations, you can preserve the programs and organizations that support Jewish life in Greater Philadelphia, express values instilled in you from previous generations and perpetuate the Jewish traditions you cherish.  

Beth Chaim was established 30 years ago by families looking for a Jewish home in Chester County. What they created is a place where people of all ages and from all backgrounds can worship, learn, celebrate Judaism, and bond together regardless of religious background, race, sexual orientation, or gender identity. The open, airy sanctuary is designed to welcome both people and nature and was built to honor the barn where the first services were held. As a down to earth, creative and inclusive community, everyone is accepted with audacious hospitality. Beth Chaim’s greatest strength is its diversity, and it is proudly welcoming families and individuals of various faith backgrounds.

Interconnected by shared values, Beth Chaim’s commitment is to inclusivity, love for the Rabbi and the sanctuary, and a desire to be a part of the community. This community shares values and deep connections, enjoys being together and celebrating Judaism in meaningful, yet creative ways.

Beth Chaim champions kindness and respect toward others, regardless of viewpoint or background. As the only Reform temple in Chester County, it is vital that Beth Chaim continues to be a place where EVERY individual is known, accepted and cared for. Legacy donors ensure that future generations have a strong, vibrant and diverse Jewish community. Please make your legacy gift today.

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Shir Ami is the heart of Reform Judaism in Bucks County. Coming a long way since its founding in 1976 in a member’s basement, Shir Ami now offers a spacious building for communal worship and connection. But what has not changed over time is the mission to provide Jewish life and to congregate as a welcoming community.

The congregation offers weekly opportunities to gather, and it provides services, torah studies, religious school and more. Various programs and events are hosted to celebrate holidays and bring people together.

Shir Ami is focused on intergenerational learning with a curriculum centered upon Jewish values and Hebrew studies. Whether it is instilling a love of Judaism in the youngest learners or bringing 8th and 9th grade students to Israel to explore dynamic topics, or gathering adults to study — Shir Ami is committed to offering holistic, rich and inclusive learning opportunities for all who seek them.

This congregation is passionate about and cares for its neighborhoods and the global community. Through the food bank, Shir Ami teaches about hunger and hosts opportunities for the community to donate essential items that are then distributed to local food pantries. During Bucks County Code Blue alerts, the congregation doubles as a shelter to offer hot meals and a place to rest for those without. From getting out the vote to collecting clothes for those in need to comforting members in distress, Shir Ami lives out the Jewish value of tikkun olam (repairing the world).

Please help sustain Shir Ami by joining the Legacy Circle, so that the community can continue to enrich Jewish lives in Bucks County for years to come.

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For more than 76 years, Jack M. Barrack Hebrew Academy (formerly Akiba Hebrew Academy) has been at the forefront of educating and raising generations of Jewish leaders, who graduate as knowledgeable, engaged adults to go on to make an impact on their local, national and international communities.

An independent Jewish community day school based on a model of klal Yisrael (uniting the Jewish people), Barrack students grow and learn together in a transformative, supportive environment where rigorous academics, Jewish community and mentorship help them to build lives of meaning. Students are dedicated to lifelong learning and personal growth, while being guided by Jewish values, traditions and a moral vision for the world.

Barrack’s impact is broad and deep. Its students graduate with the knowledge, confidence and pride to become active participants in the ongoing Jewish story. They go on to hold political office, serve as rabbis or community leaders, pioneer life-saving medical techniques, run successful businesses, and, most importantly, work toward a strong, vibrant future for Jewish people locally, nationally, and internationally. With legacy donors, Barrack can continue to be a source of strength and a place of growth for the next generation of Jewish leaders. Please make a legacy gift today.

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In 1941, twenty-five concerned citizens established the Jewish Employment and Vocational Service (now JEVS Human Services) with the sole purpose of assisting displaced Jewish refugees. Today, JEVS Human Services is dedicated to helping all individuals in the community achieve self-sufficiency by embodying the Jewish values of tzedakah (charitable giving) and tikkun olam (repairing the world).

JEVS Human Services takes a distinct and powerful approach by equipping individuals with the tools they need to achieve independence. With over 35 programs, clients overcome challenges and enhance the quality of their lives. Seniors can live independently at home for longer, unemployed adults can learn skills to adapt to the current job market, young adults are guided in making informed decisions about their futures, and individuals with disabilities grow and gain new perspectives on life.

JEVS’ clients often grapple with a complex web of challenges, including economic hardship, family strife, medical issues, discrimination and disabilities. During times of economic downturns or global crises, these clients are often the first to bear the brunt of these challenges. By taking a holistic approach and actively engaging with each individual, JEVS addresses each unique circumstance. Through collaboration and support, JEVS empowers its clients to overcome these multifaceted challenges and enables them to become valuable, contributing members of society.

Make a huge impact for the future by making a legacy gift to JEVS, and empower future generations to attain independence, dignity and hope. Please pledge a legacy gift today!

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From a child going to Jewish day camp or school to a family receiving food assistance to a congregation feeling secure in its place of worship, the Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia is there for the community before it needs to ask.

Since 1901 the Jewish Federation has mobilized financial and volunteer resources to address the communities’ most critical priorities: Caring for Those in Need, Combating Antisemitism and Global Crisis, and Strengthening Jewish Identity.

The Jewish Federation supports these vital areas in Greater Philadelphia, in Israel, and around the world through programming, advocacy, fundraising, and allocation. In addition to supporting day-to-day life, the Jewish Federation is built for moments of emergency. As part of a vast network of Jewish Federations, the organization is uniquely equipped to raise and immediately distribute funds to Jewish communities in the most dire times.

The Jewish Federation annually invests more than $61 million to projects, initiatives and organizations that embodies its mission. In addition to the Annual Campaign, the Jewish Federation manages a pool of approximately $360 million in endowment and endowment related assets, distributing $10 million in grants each year from restricted, unrestricted and donor advised funds.

With a commitment to transparency, accountability and the effective use of donors’ dollars, the Jewish Federation uplifts Jewish lives and supports the community where needed most. Please make a legacy gift to help ensure a vibrant Jewish future for today, tomorrow and generations to come.

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For nearly 50 years, KleinLife has been a dynamic and entrepreneurial Jewish community center. Guided by Jewish values, the organization is committed to growing and fostering a vibrant community that engages people of all ages and walks of life.

KleinLife’s approach is all about partnership — partnering with donors, supporters and the wider community served. The organization remains dedicated to enhancing the lives of those as the landscape of the Jewish community evolves. It understands the challenges posed by synagogues closing and the community aging, and, in response, steps forward to provide essential High Holiday services, engaging Torah studies and a nurturing Sunday Hebrew school for children. Through these offerings, KleinLife ensures that the richness of Jewish traditions continue to shine brightly, fostering spirituality, learning and personal growth.

KleinLife is a lifeline and a dynamic hub where immigrants find their footing through English and cultural programs. As people and needs evolve, the organization adapts and brings the entrepreneurial spirit of the staff to support every individual on their own journey. Whether clients seek refuge, education, connection or simply a place to call their own, KleinLife is there for them. Legacy donors know that KleinLife is more than a building, it is a beacon of hope, a dynamic partnership and a lifeline that reaches out to embrace everyone in the community.

Making a legacy gift today will sustain and propel this vibrant, diverse and thriving community into the future.

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Kosloff Torah Academy High School for Girls (KTA) is an Orthodox school that instills various Jewish values in students, including a deep love of Torah, identification with the Jewish people and the mesorah (heritage), and commitment to high standards of observance.

As it has for several decades, KTA and its students enrich the lives of hundreds in the community by raising the bar for Jewish women’s education and chesed (kindness). Students learn why and how to bring kindness into the world by putting it into practice for those in need.

Through creativity, connection and growth, students are inspired to succeed and take intellectual risks. They embark on a journey of personal growth and self-discovery to learn about themselves as individuals. KTA guides students as they decide their path in life. Each student is supported to develop her unique talents and pursue her ambitions while living a life of meaning, filled with love of Torah, learning and good deeds.

Legacy donors know that the future of the Jewish people is dependent on remarkable women. Making a legacy commitment today ensures that KTA can continue offering extraordinary education for its students long into the future. Please make a legacy gift today.

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Lubavitch of Bucks County serves as a center for Jewish life and education in the county area. The largest independent network of Jewish programming in the Delaware Valley, Lubavitch of Bucks County reaches a wide range of individuals through its five locations. The network offers a wide variety of educational, religious, and social services to Jews of all ages beyond synagogue walls – regardless of background, philosophy, or synagogue affiliation. 

Lubavitch of Bucks County creates a welcoming space for individuals looking for accepting and personally relevant Jewish experiences to strengthen and connect them with joyful and meaningful messages and traditions that inspire all aspects of their lives. The leadership and staff of Lubavitch of Bucks County are unique in the belief that Judaism and its significant contribution to purposeful living is not restricted to specific buildings on specific dates. Rather, the power of Judaism can be experienced from within the individual by tapping into their Divine soul as a source of inspiration in all areas of life, all the time. Lubavitch of Bucks County innovates and explores new frontiers to allow this experience to shine from within every soul in every area of life.

Lubavitch of Bucks County legacy donors are people who treasure meaningful and joyful Jewish living through innovative and trend-setting programs and who understand the importance of being on the forefront of serving the entire community for generations to come. Please make your legacy gift today!

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Maccabi USA takes American-Jewish athletes to Latin America, Europe and Israel to compete against and build bonds with Jewish brothers and sisters from around the world. While Maccabi USA’s athletes come for the sports, it is the Jewish educational and communal experience that transforms their outlook on Jewish identity, values, traditions and life choices.

Thousands of Jewish athletes have been transformed by Maccabi USA since its founding in 1948. Change is a constant, but even in a world of abounding choices where young people are juggling multiple identities, sports will always be an open door to Jewish engagement for all levels of observance.

As the cost of travel and participation will inevitably continue to rise, Maccabi USA created the Legacy Society to ensure this opportunity will be available from generation to generation. By supporting the organization through a legacy gift, all qualified Jewish athletes, regardless of their financial capacity, can have these impactful experiences that lead to a lifelong commitment to Jewish continuity.

Maccabi USA’s legacy donors understand that sports have the power to strengthen Jewish identity, build community and form a meaningful connection to Israel. A legacy gift ensures a strong future for Maccabi USA and the Jewish people.

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Seventy years ago, families shared a dream and turned it into reality. They created a home where they and their fellow Jews could worship, study, celebrate, connect, comfort and reach out to those in need. These families invested their time, energy and money to build the Main Line Reform Temple (MLRT) from the ground up.

Today, over 850 families call MLRT their home for Jewish life. Its families participate in creative and engaging worship, study, social, youth, senior and interfaith experiences. By seeking to fulfill the promises of the founding families to unite generations in celebrating shared history and achieving a more equitable society, MLRT forms a caring community where diversity is welcomed and respected. It also provides a lifeline for those in distress at home, in Israel and across the globe.

A decade ago, MLRT established the L’Dor V’Dor Legacy Society – a permanent endowment to support MLRT for the future. MLRT legacy donors make a promise to future generations that they will inherit a thriving Jewish community in the Main Line that embraces and enriches Jewish lives. Please help assure the future by joining past contributors and making a legacy gift today!

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Temple Beth Hillel – Beth El has been a pioneer for egalitarian services and leadership since its founding in 1958. Consistent with the architectural symbolism of the sanctuary as an open tent, Temple Beth Hillel – Beth El strives to be a fully inclusive community, welcoming all members into the tapestry of the congregation.

Temple Beth Hillel – Beth El strives to advance and strengthen Jewish observance and values. It fosters a love of learning and creating a positive Jewish identity. While promoting warm and caring friendships among its members, Temple Beth Hillel Beth El also instills a sense of responsibility to the Jewish people locally, in Israel and around the globe. Under the spiritual leadership of Rabbi Ethan H. Witkovsky and Hazzan Eugene Rosner, Temple Beth Hillel – Beth El continues to grow and excel as one of the most vibrant and dynamic Conservative synagogues in the country. By supporting an inclusive Jewish community, Temple Beth Hillel – Beth El provides innovative and traditional worship experiences, lifelong learning opportunities, and the fulfillment of mitzvot and community involvement.

The founders of the congregation fulfilled a vision of creating a progressive, egalitarian, multigenerational, warm and friendly community. Now, to ensure that the congregation will be open and ready to meet the needs of children, grandchildren, and the Jewish families of tomorrow, please demonstrate love, devotion, and connection to the congregation, the community, and the future as a home for the Jewish people by making a legacy gift today.

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Temple Beth Zion-Beth Israel (BZBI) is the heartbeat of Conservative Judaism in Center City, Philadelphia. It has a deep and rich cultural legacy spanning three Philadelphia congregations, with roots tracing back to the founding of the Conservative Judaism movement in the mid-1800s. By creating a vibrant space where Jews feel spiritually nurtured, BZBI connects across generations, stimulates intellectual curiosity, and lives out the core values of Jewish identity, including avodah (worship), tzedakah (charity), and tikkun olam (repairing the world).

BZBI members are open, egalitarian and engaged. Here is where spirited tefillah (prayer) and programming that reflects, resonates and celebrates diversity are found. The congregation meets people where they are in life and cherishes how its members cultivate and share their Jewish identities, both traditionally and innovatively.

The congregation’s strength derives from the daily interactions between its members and their connection to the surrounding urban environment. Whether it’s a “Guess Who’s Coming to Shabbas Dinner,” spontaneous meet-and-greets in Rittenhouse Square, or families connecting at school or camp events, BZBI-based relationships enrich lives in fun and unexpected ways. This is a place where individuals of all kinds connect, learn and grow, worship, create community connections, and engage in lifelong learning.

Legacy donors are committed to the vision that a deep, enduring connection to Judaism through a multi-generational, diverse and welcoming environment is both personal and communal. A legacy gift to BZBI ensures that the community can thrive l’dor v’dor, for generations to come. Please make a legacy gift to BZBI today!

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For 80 years, Temple Sinai has been a kehillah (community) that plays a central role in the lives of its members, bringing them together in times of celebration and joy as well as in times of solidarity and sorrow.

Temple Sinai enriches lives – inspiring the community through shared learning, Shabbat, holidays and life cycle events. It is through Temple Sinai that the community shares its love for Torah, Israel, Jewish history and traditions.

The congregation’s community is active and engaged, creating lifelong friendships along the way — through pre-school and religious school to youth groups and various adult identity groups.

Temple Sinai offers a rich, diverse, accepting space, and is committed to making a difference in the world through the involvement in a variety of social justice and tikkun olam (repair the world) initiatives. Temple Sinai is dedicated to making the local, national and global community a better place for all.

Legacy donors are committed to ensuring that Temple Sinai is here for the next generation. Legacy giving costs nothing today and presents an opportunity to perpetuate shared values, while making a commitment to a viable and vibrant Jewish future for generations to come.

Please make a legacy gift today! All gifts are appreciated and all legacy donors will be recognized and honored.

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