Dear Friends,

We are all in shock and mourning at yet another mass shooting in our country. Sandy Hook, Orlando, Virginia Tech, Columbine, San Bernardino, Aurora and now Las Vegas are only the most sensational of such horrific tragedies. Sadly, the total list is much, much longer.  Mass shootings command our attention, but as Nicolas Kristof writes today in the New York Times, the truth is that they are “anomalies: most gun deaths occur in ones and twos, usually with handguns which kill far more people than assault rifles.”

​There are steps that we must take that safety experts are convinced will reduce gun violence.  We won’t eliminate gun deaths or mass shootings, but as Kristoff writes, just as we have made dramatic improvements in car safety with years of small improvements without banning cars, we can do the same with guns.

As our nation mourns ​this​ heartbreaking tragedy, it is our fervent hope that, in the days ahead, Americans will stand shoulder to shoulder with their neighbors to address the underlying causes of gun violence​ in our country. ​

​More action and advocacy steps will be sent to you soon. In the meantime, please note that we are joining with CeaseFirePA and the Office of the Mayor who has called ​for a vigil Tuesday, October 3, 6:00 p.m. at Thomas Paine Plaza, 1401 John F. Kennedy Blvd.

We urge you to participate.
Thank you.

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