Dear People Of Israel,
I send my deepest sympathy to the families who lost their loved ones from the Hamas terrorist attack.
My thoughts and prayers are with you.
I stand with Israel and the people of Israel.
Stay strong.
May God bless you.
God bless Israel.
I send my love.

Brier Mayo

Dear Chevre,
I have traveled to Israel several times over the years, and feel a deep tie to the land and people of your beautiful country. I consider this my spiritual homeland and am shattered to the very core by these brutal acts of terrorism committed by Hamas.

Please know that your brothers and sisters throughout the Diaspora will not abandon you in your time of need. We stand beside you to offer both financial and emotional support during this time of crisis. Let faith and hope sustain you. I will see you in May when our synagogue plans a visit!

Lynn Edelman

We send our love, support and respect to our brothers and sisters in Israel in these days of chaos and conflict, especially in our beloved partnership region of Betivot and Sedot Negev. Am Yisroel Chai!

Maxine and Elliot Rosen

My heart is with Israel plus all who live in Israel or are a visiter. If you have lost someone, may you have comfort. I pray for you all who serve Israel. May peace come at last.

Bonnie Silverman

For the past week not a minute has gone by when I do not think about the people of Israel.
I haven’t slept. I want to support you in every way I can.

Eitan Lewis

To our respected and loved sisters and brothers in Israel, know that you are all in our prayers and hearts. We are sending more material support as well.

We know that you will triumph in this battle against evil, tyranny and hatred, and that Israel will stand as a light among the nations and world.

Victoria M Robinson and Steve Shalet

Dear Chavareem,
We support your efforts to defend Israel and know the great sacrifices you are making. We are 100% behind you and pray for your safety and success in your mission. Israel is a beautiful country and May you soon live in peace.


Our community grieves with you. We stand with Israel and support whatever your government needs to do to wipe out Hamas.

Daniel Bacine

Thank you for your love and dedication to supporting our Jewish nation. We appreciate your service, praying and hoping for only the best for Israel.

Elana Weinstein

From America I’m sending words of hope, strength, love and support. I wish you quick and complete success in your way forward, and relief from your suffering. Your terrible history, past and recent, should be, will be far outshone by your incredible achievements as a culture and a country. Your future will be greater still. Best of luck and all good wishes.


We will never be able to understand your pain and grief, but know that we’re lifting each and everyone of you in our prayers everyday. We may not be there as boots on the ground, but we will help fight this digital war. The truth will prevail and so will the people of Israel. We are with you, always and forever!

With so much love and support,

There are no words of support adequate to describe how we feel. We stand behind Israel as fully as is possible. Am Yisroel Chai.

We are with you 100%!!

Linda and Norman Garfield

Thoughts, prayers and support to my Jewish and Israeli brothers and sisters. I stand with you now, tomorrow and forever. Am Yisrael Chai!

Andrew A. Walker

My name is Meredith. I live in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, USA. I am sending all of my love and support to my Israeli brothers and sisters out there. I won’t be silent.

Meredith Gelfand

I stand tall in my support for Israel and your right to stand tall as Israeli’s. I wish you love and support and strength.

Andrew Szabo

Dear Israeli Citizens,

I know you are going through a tough time right now. I can’t even begin to imagine what it must be like. I hope that you know that you are loved and supported even if it is from far away. I hope that it gets better and that you can find some sort of peace throughout what is going on.

Sending all of my love and prayers,


My heart is with you and all of Israel. We wish you peace and strength during this tragic time. Am Yisrael Chai


Free the hostages!!!
I’m with Israel 100%

Linda Dub in Garfield

We are standing with you, and praying for you. We stand against antisemitism both here in the USA and everywhere in the world. May YHWH protect you and win a great victory once again for Israel and the Jewish people. We send much love.

Pastor Ted

Thank you for protecting our homeland. Am Israel Chai. Sending our love and prayers.

The Gober family

Continued prayers for the people of Israel. Know your are supported and cared about by so many of us!

We stand with you!

Shalom and peace to you, our brothers and sisters Ba’aretz – We send our support, our care, our love. You are not alone. We are thinking of you every minute. You are our Mishpoche, our family. Our hearts are with you. We send you Koach, and please know that your Jewish family here in the United States stands with you, committed to Judaism and to Eretz Israel.

Rabbi Shelly and Elliot Barnathan

!! עַם יִשְׂרָאֵל חַי

Thinking of you, praying for your safety and well-being, and may Hamas soon be defeated.

Michael Cooperman

Jews in America support your fight against tyranny from our enemies around the world. We love and respect your spirit and your ability to stand up for Jewish life. May God protect you and your loved ones and guide us all through this attack on our right to exist. Bless you all.

Alex Goldsleger

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Israel:

Prayers for those lives lost and those who have sustained injuries. Prayers for the hostages that they will come home to their families. Prayers for strength to those who are waiting for their loved ones to come home. Prayers for the Israeli soldiers and their families. Prayers for hope, resilience and peace.

Eileen Wolf

Am Yisrael Chai

Claude Schoenberg

Please know that your sisters and brothers in the Philadelphia area, and throughout the United States, stand with you, today, tomorrow and forever!!

Steven and Ilanit Goodman

My heart goes out to all in Israel and all Jewish people, you’ve suffered so much, your in my prayers always.


The state and people of Israel will overcome and survive as we always have🔯


אני רוצה להגיד לכם שאני משתתפת בצערכם ושאני מתפללת כל יום שיחזירו את החטופים ונעדרים, אני מתפללת ליום שיהיה שלום ושלווה לכם ולכל ארץ ישראל. אני עושה כל משביכולתי להסביר לכולם פה את המצב וללחוץ על המדינה שלנו לתמוך בישראל, ולא לשכוך את האיזורים שזכוכות לעזרה שלנו לחזק, ולבנות ולעזור בכל אופן אפשרי. אתם לא לבד אנחנו איתכם יש דרך ארוכה ואמשיך לעמוד איתכם ורק מוסרת אהבה ותקוות לשלום היום ותמיד

Rhonda Wittlin

Hello, Israeli Friends.
You are in my thoughts every day as I read the news. And I pray for you and the hostages and your amazing soldiers.

Just this past Sunday my local church here in New Jersey (near Philadelphia) had an Israeli flag hung up behind the altar. The minister noted that it looked small for the space and that he had already decided to order a bigger one.

The back story: We are also collecting various supplies to send to you in Israel. Our minister explained he wanted to put the smallish Israeli flag in the back of the church, where people are supposed to drop off their donations. But the response has been truly overwhelming — including items trucked in by another Calvary Chapel church in southern New Jersey. So much has come in that boxes are piled up against the rear wall, almost to the ceiling. As a result, there is no space left on that wall to hang the little Israeli flag! So the minister moved it into the sanctuary. (And has probably already hit up Amazon for a second, bigger flag)

*I stand with Israel
*My church stands with Israel
*The God of Abraham and Issac and Jacob stands with Israel. And He never fails
❤️🇮🇱 🇺🇸 ❤️


Robyn in New Jersey

We are thinking of and praying for your, our Israel Family. Thank you for your warm hospitality and sharing your country, The Most Beautiful Place on Earth, during our visit this past May 2023.

Henry & Risa Steinberger from Warrington, PA USA

To our dear brothers and sisters in Israel,

We see the enormous sacrifices you are making each and every day to keep Israel as a beacon of light for us all. You inspire us here in the United States – please know we are sending strength and support your way.

Leora Saacks Zabusky

We are praying for you! We support you.

Karen Flam

My wife and I support Israel and the Hostages. We hope that Hostages will be able to come to your families.

Am Yisrael Chai

Hal Henig

Greetings to you, and may this letter reach you and give you encouragement and hope. I pray that God blesses and protects you and your loved one.

Sister Tonika

America is standing with you!
We are so proud of the troops
We are sending love and support to the victims
To the family and friends of the hostages we won’t stop until they are free

Joseph Brown

I am a Christian in the U.S. I stand with you, Israel. I pray for you. I know God is with you. You are not alone. May peace and prosperity come to you in the year ahead. May God bless you as you are His Chosen People.

Kristin Estill

I send deep condolences to the families who lost their loved ones in the Hamas terrorist attack. I consider myself to be a Russian Ashkenazi Jew and I pray for the established Israelite spiritual homeland that has been shattered by brutal acts of terrorism. Me and Kobe, my son-send you our love, support and respect as the chaos and conflict of this war echoes across many nations, we are praying for Shalom Peace continually wherever you are.

Dr. Sonia Nicole Levi