The Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia is privileged to award several endowed scholarships. If eligible, you are invited and encouraged to apply if you are currently enrolled or planning to enroll in a graduate program and have financial need.

What is the deadline to apply for the scholarships?

Completed applications for all of the scholarship funds must be submitted no later than May 14, 2023. Letters of recommendation and transcripts must be opened, uploaded and submitted with the application, NOT mailed separately.

How many scholarships may I apply for?

You can apply for all scholarships, loans and grants for which you are eligible.

Can I submit one application for all scholarships?

If you are a medical or law student, you may submit one combined Strickler/Feinman/Herman application for these scholarships. Otherwise, you must apply for each of the scholarships separately.

Do I have to be currently enrolled to apply for a scholarship?

No, but you will need to be enrolled by the time the disbursements are made in September if you are chosen as a recipient.

I received a scholarship last year. Must I reapply or will my award be renewed automatically?

Prior recipients are required to reapply as their situations may have changed.

Who should I ask to give me a letter of recommendation?

If you are currently an enrolled student, please submit no more than one letter of recommendation from an instructor. If you are not yet enrolled, you can submit a letter from anyone (excluding family members) who can attest to your commitment to your profession, your character and your financial need. The letter must be written during the year in which you are applying for a scholarship.

If I am applying for multiple scholarships, does my letter of recommendation need to be addressed to each scholarship separately?

If you are a medical student, the letter of recommendation can be addressed to the Strickler, Feinman and Herman committees together. If you are a law student, the letter of recommendation can be addressed to the Feinman and Herman Fund committees together. Other than that, a separate letter of recommendation should be addressed to each scholarship committee.

When and how will I be notified if I am selected as a scholarship recipient?

Generally, you will be notified about the status of your application by mail sometime in August. We are not able to provide this information over the phone.

Who reviews my scholarship application?

Applications are reviewed by separate scholarship committees comprised of community members and in some cases Jewish Federation staff, who collaborate on the selection of the recipients.

If I apply for multiple scholarships, are all my applications reviewed by the same committee?

A separate committee reviews applications for each scholarship.

Can I submit an unofficial transcript with my application?

Yes. You are required to submit the transcript with your application.

I applied for a scholarship from the Fleisher Fund. If my tuition is already paid, can I receive the grant money directly?

No. If you are chosen as a recipient and your tuition is already paid because of other awards you may have been granted, the college or university is required to return the funds.

When will the funds be distributed if I am awarded a scholarship?

Recipients of the interest-free loans awarded through the Albert Strickler Memorial Fund and/or Samuel F. and Sara G. Feinman Fund will be mailed a promissory note to be signed and returned, obligating them to begin repayment of their interest-free loan five years after their graduation date. Recipients must also have their school send the committee a letter verifying their enrollment for the current academic school year. We will disburse loan checks after September 1 only upon receipt of BOTH the promissory note and letter from your college or university. Loan checks will be mailed, payable in your name, to the preferred address noted on your application.

The grant awards given through the Ida Foreman Fleisher Fund are not sent to you directly, but are directed to your college/university to be applied to your tuition and fees for the current academic year. Recipients must ask their school to send us a letter verifying their enrollment for the current academic school year. Grant checks will be disbursed after September 1.

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