Please see below for frequently asked questions about the Incident Reporting Form.

What is the Incident Reporting Form (IRF)?

The IRF is a standardized online form the public can use to report threats, incidents, or suspicious activity related to Jewish organizations, facilities, or community members.

Who provides the IRF?

The IRF is a key component of the partnership that exists between Federations and the Secure Community Network (SCN), the official safety and security organization for the Jewish community in North America. The use of the form ensures a coordinated, best-practice approach to incident reporting and follow-up. The form is hosted on Federation websites and can be co-branded with Federation and SCN logos.

Why is the IRF necessary?

The Jewish community is facing the most complex and dynamic threat environment in modern history. Each year, SCN receives reports of or identifies a record number of threats. According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, nearly two-thirds of religiously motivated hate crimes in the U.S. target the Jewish community. Consistent and coordinated reporting of threats, incidents, and suspicious activity is a critical part of the security shield SCN is working with Federations and other partners to build over the Jewish community in North America.

How was the IRF developed?

The IRF was developed following an extensive review of suspicious activity reporting forms, and coordination with security professionals and our partners in law enforcement and homeland security.

What information can be reported through the IRF?

The IRF can be used to report:

  • In-person assaults or threats
  • Suspicious persons or activity
  • Property damage or vandalism
  • Threatening or suspicious phone calls, text messages, or social media
  • Suspicious packages or letters
  • Spam and phishing emails
  • Antisemitic or threatening flyers
  • Other incidents of concern to the Jewish community
What happens to the information reported through the IRF?

Information submitted through the form will go directly to the Federation’s security professional. A copy will also go to the 24-hour Duty Desk in SCN’s National Jewish Security Operations Command Center, where it is reviewed by intelligence analysts using best practices. The SCN Duty Desk will be available to assist and support the locally or regionally based security professional, and the Federation, including determining what people or facilities may be at risk while protecting the civil liberties of all parties. Credible threats are referred to local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies and Jewish facility leaders as needed.

Can information be reported anonymously?

Yes. Although information can be reported anonymously, contact information is very helpful to analysts or law enforcement officers to ask for additional information or clarification.

Does the form replace being able to call or email a local security professional?

No. The Incident Reporting Form does not replace the ability for anyone to contact a local security professional directly using whatever methods of contact they have already established, or to call the Duty Desk at 844-SCN-DESK. The new form provides an enhanced ability to support the security professional with a 24/7 capability, allows the security professional to collect specific information, and for SCN’s national team to ensure information is properly passed to key federal partners.

What other types of online reporting does SCN provide?

The IRF is also available on SCN’s website at for threats, incidents, or suspicious activity in areas not served by Federations that use the IRF. SCN partners with Hillel International and ADL to provide for concerns related to colleges and universities, and partners with the Orthodox Union to provide for concerns related to the Orthodox Jewish community.

How else can threats, incidents or suspicious activity be reported if online reporting is not available?

In an emergency, always call 9-1-1 first. If online reporting is not practical, follow established protocols to report suspicious activity – to include contacting local law enforcement and/or the relevant suspicious activity reporting authority – and contact the SCN Duty Desk at dutydesk@securecommunitynetwork.orgor by calling 844-SCN-DESK.

What is Secure Community Network (SCN)?

The Secure Community Network (SCN), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, is the official safety and security organization of the Jewish community in North America. Founded in 2004 under the auspices of The Jewish Federations of North America and the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, SCN serves as the central organization dedicated exclusively to the safety and security of the American Jewish community, working across 146 federations, 50 partner organizations, over 300 independent communities, and other partners in the public, private, nonprofit, and academic sectors. SCN is dedicated to ensuring that Jewish organizations, communities, life, and culture can not only exist safely and securely, but flourish.