
The Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) of the Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia is deeply saddened and horrified by the act of gun violence that erupted near The Philadelphia Masjid during an Eid al-Fitr celebration today. Our deepest sympathies go to the injured victims and their loved ones. We pray for a full recovery for those injured.  

JCRC stands in solidarity with our Muslim neighbors in Philadelphia. We condemn all acts of violence and hatred, and we urge everyone to work together to create a more peaceful and secure community for all. Wishing all our Muslim neighbors a Eid Mubarek.


Since 1901, the Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia has served as the hub of the region’s Jewish communities, providing an infrastructure of support for Jewish people and organizations in need. Through grants, emergency funding, restricted gifts, endowments, and our partnership with the Foundation for Jewish Day Schools, we invest more than $61 million each fiscal year to care for those in need, combat antisemitism and global crisis, and strengthen Jewish identity.

For more information, please visit: jewishphilly.org.  

For press inquiries, email phillyfed@redbanyan.com.