The Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia is horrified and outraged at the hate-filled antisemitic attacks in Amsterdam, in which anti-Israel mobs terrorized and beat Israelis trying to enjoy a soccer game. This modern-day pogrom, just two days before the anniversary of Kristalnacht, should make it clear that the entire world must act now to condemn and prosecute to the fullest all the perpetrators and take every necessary step to protect the Jewish community. As part of the Jewish Federations network, we are in close contact with our partners in Israel and the Jewish Agency as we continue our commitment to the security of Jewish communities in Greater Philadelphia, Israel and elsewhere around the world. 

You can join the Jewish Federations for a briefing at 12:00 p.m. ET on the developing situation in Amsterdam by clicking here. Hear from our Jewish Agency partners for real-time updates and insights into our collective efforts to support the security of the Jewish community in Amsterdam.