
For nine months, Israel has contended with attacks from Iran-backed terrorists on multiple fronts. Last night, Houthis from Yemen succeeded in murdering an Israeli, 50-year-old Yevgeny Perder, in a drone attack on Tel Aviv. Thankfully, reports indicate that the U.S. military was able to intercept additional UAVs and missiles, protecting untold numbers of innocent lives. The Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia condemns this vile terrorist attack, mourns the loss of life, and will continue to stand by Israel as the country defends itself and protects its citizens. 

About the Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia
Since 1901, the Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia has served as the hub of the region’s Jewish communities, providing an infrastructure of support for Jewish people and organizations in need. Through grants, emergency funding, restricted gifts, endowments, and our partnership with the Foundation for Jewish Day Schools, we invest more than $61 million each fiscal year to care for those in need, combat antisemitism and global crisis, and strengthen Jewish identity. For more information, please visit: https://jewishphilly.org/