The Lions of Judah are philanthropic women of all ages who put Jewish values into action. We light up the Philadelphia Jewish community and beyond with our tzedakah and our commitment to repairing the world.

What we do

Lions of Judah are passionate about the future of the Jewish community, and we increase our impact by investing our time and financial resources. When you become a Lion of Judah, you demonstrate that you are ready to take your commitment to the next level and become a role model for the women in your community and your family.

Philadelphia’s Lions of Judah gather at our signature program, the fall Lion Event, to connect, hear from exciting speakers and honor our most inspiring leaders. Once a year, new Lions are invited to breakfast with the Jewish Federation’s CEO Michael Balaban. Find out about other Lion activities by contacting or by calling 215. 832.0502.


There are more than 17,500 Lions of Judah in the US, Canada, Israel, and around the world, and they play a vital role in fighting for social justice, aiding the vulnerable, preserving human dignity and building Jewish identity. Every two years, Lions gather at the International Lion of Judah Conference for three days of sisterhood, inspiration and tzedakah.

The Lions of Judah set an exemplary standard of leadership and giving. Each Lion makes an annual donation to the Jewish Federation that reflects her capacity to give. The minimum annual commitment is $5,000. Become a Lion of Judah. Take your Lion gift to a new level. Endow your gift to ensure a bright future.