Greater Philadelphia was the first Jewish Federation in North America to establish a full-time evaluation and research department. We have set an example that other Jewish Federations now emulate.
Every program that receives Jewish Federation funds is evaluated twice a year. The process is collaborative: as soon as we make a grant, Jewish Federation works with the grantee to develop an evaluation process and then helps the grantee measure their results. Programs that the Jewish Federation funds are required to have measurable goals and to meet the expectations of Jewish Federation and its donors for transparency and accountability.
Data-Driven Decisions
We use multiple methods of data collection, tailored to the way each program operates and what we need to know about it. This structured research and evaluation process has been instrumental in helping the Jewish Federation’s boards to make data-driven funding decisions.
Research Consultation
Evaluation and Research Department staff also consult on all research studies that the Jewish Federation develops, including the 2009 Jewish Population Study of Greater Philadelphia. The department develops surveys and other tools for the Jewish Federation’s internal use.
If you are a current Jewish Federation grantee seeking more information, click here.