Since its founding, Women of Vision has transformed the lives of self-identifying Jewish women and girls across generations and geographic boundaries through strategic grant making, advocacy, and educational programs leading to social justice and social change.
To become a member or increase your level of membership, make your commitment online now. All gifts to Women of Vision are tax-deductible and may be made with cash, appreciated stock, private foundation or donor-advised fund grants, or through wills or bequests.
Your commitment entitles you to lifetime membership and comes with the great privilege of significantly impacting the lives of Jewish women and girls. Gifts can be made in one-time or installment payments, at the following levels of support:
- LiberatHer – $1,800 payable over 2 years (under age 45)
- SupportHer – $3,600 payable over 2 years
- EntrustHer – $5,000 payable over 2 years
- SustainHer – $10,000 payable over 3 years
- MentHer – $18,000 payable over 4 years
- LeadHer – $25,000 payable over 5 years
- AmbassadHer – $36,000 payable over 5 years
- BenefactHer – $50,000 payable over 5 years
- EmpowerHer – $100,000 payable over 5 years
Current members are encouraged to move up to higher levels of membership by making new gifts to the Foundation. Your membership status is cumulative, based on the total of all gifts you have made to Women of Vision.
As our Foundation grows, more and more women and girls receive assistance in a greater variety of ways.
Shara Swift