The Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia’s Women of Vision is a proud member of the Jewish Women’s Funding Network, a collective of local and national funds, foundations, giving circles and non-profit organizations in the U.S. that lift up and amplify gender equity in our communities and world-wide. We are a force for change. 

Today, we call upon UN Women to stand up for Resolution 1820 adopted in 2008 stating unequivocally that “rape as a tactic of war is a crime against humanity.”

There is abundant evidence of premeditated, cruel torture, rape and assault on Israeli women on October 7, by Hamas, the renowned terrorist group.  The lack of clear condemnation regarding these hideous acts is offensive and insufferable.

The JWFNetwork will not remain silent.  

Together we, a network of thousands of Jewish women from across the United States, add our voices to amplify the strong statements made by our members, partners, and affiliates NCJW, JWI, Hadassah Foundation, and Women’s Rabbinic Network.

As part of the Jewish Women’s Funding Network, we will be represented at the United Nations on December 4, alongside the Permanent Mission of Israel to the UN — in partnership with the World Zionist Organization, Shazur/Interwoven, National Council of Jewish Women, and Schusterman Family Philanthropies — to share testimony on sexually-based violent war crimes that occurred on October 7 by Hamas in Israel. And to insist that UN Women revise its statements of October 25 and November 25 to reflect reality.


The Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia’s Women of Vision group, a proud member of the Jewish Women’s Funding Network (JWFN), sign this letter as a testament to our belief and support of women, decrying the rape of Israeli women on October 7 as a human rights abuse and a war crime. Women of Vision was founded at the Jewish Federation in 1994 to impact the lives of self-identifying Jewish women and girls across generations and geographic boundaries through strategic grantmaking, advocacy and educational programs leading to social change and social justice. In June of 2023, Women of Vision members voted to award grants to three organizations supporting women’s rights in Israel, investing $137,328 in programs that will affect change: Association of Rape Crisis Centers in Israel (ARCCI)’s “Improving Law Enforcement Systems for Victims” program, Yozmot Atid’s “Micro-Business Entrepreneurship” program, and ELI Israel Association for Child Protection’s “Protecting Haredi Young Women and Girls” program. For more information about Women of Vision, contact  Director of Women of Vision and Campaign Pipeline  Shara Swift at or 215.832.0841.