Are you dreaming of a trip to Israel that offers something extra? We want to help make your dream come true.
We have limited funds available for travel to Israel scholarships. Please review the other resources and scholarships below prior to applying for the Jewish Federation’s scholarship.
Students with demonstrated financial need who are attending an approved educational Israel program are eligible to apply to the IPSAF program to help fund their trip. Please note funds are limited. All students, whether in Jewish day school or not, are eligible to receive funds. The Israel Program Scholarship Aid Fund scholarship application is now online. Click here to apply or read the FAQ’s.
For more information, email scholarships@jewishphilly.org.
Venture Israel Fellowship
The Venture Israel Fellowship aims to nurture a diverse network of Jewish professionals eager to create robust and engaging programs that focus on the dynamic complexity of today’s Israel through the lens of Jewish identity and its evolution.
During the intensive 15-month program, Fellows join with other local educators, rabbis, leaders, and activists to deepen their knowledge of Israeli culture, society, and politics. Throughout the program, participants will gain essential tools to design and deliver innovative Israel education experiences within their own communities. An educational seminar in Israel is also included.
Teen Travel
Rootone travel scholarship
Seeded by a generous gift from The Marcus Foundation and powered by the Jewish Education Projects, RootOne will provide major subsidies for trip participants, invest in elevating trip curricula and experiences, and work with its partners to create deeper pre- and post-trip engagement opportunities to help strengthen participants’ Jewish identities and connections to Israel before they begin college. Visit RootOne to apply through BBYO, USY, Ramah Israel, NFTY Israel, NCSY and JSU.
Financially needy residents of the Greater Philadelphia area, including high school and college-age youth, young adults and teachers in Jewish settings, may apply for funding to attend study programs in Orthodox yeshivot in Israel. The application must be accompanied by a copy of your most recent income tax return and a letter of acceptance from the program in which you will be participating.
Applications for spring and summer programs are due by January 30. Applications for programs beginning in the fall are due by July 1.
For more information, contact lknapp@jewishphilly.org.
Birthright Israel offers a free, life-changing trip to Israel for young Jewish adults between the ages of 18-32 years. The program seeks to ensure the future of the Jewish people by strengthening Jewish identity, Jewish communities, and connection with Israel via a trip to Israel for the majority of Jewish young adults from around the world.
For more information, visit birthrightisrael.com.
Scholarship opportunities for masa israel journey
There are a variety of resources outside of Masa Israel Journey that can help fund your Israel experience. From Jewish scholarships for volunteer and internship programs to scholarships for Jewish students, there are dozens of ways to subsidize your journey to Israel. Both national and local Jewish scholarships are available for high school graduates trying to fund their Israel experience.
For more information, visit masaisrael.org/funding/jewish-scholarships/
American jewish LEAGUE for israel
Since 1957, the American Jewish League for Israel has supported a progressive, strong, economically viable State of Israel. Every year AJLI chooses 5 to 6 scholars based on candidates’ scholarship application and materials to receive a partial tuition grant that is paid directly to their university program in Israel.
For more information, visit https://americanjewishleague.org/scholarships/.
Other resources for funding israel travel opportunities
hebrew free loan society of greater philadelphia
Hebrew Free Loan helps members of the Jewish community living in the Philadelphia area with a temporary financial need by offering no interest, no fee loans. All loans require credit-worthy co-signers. The loan limit, co-signers required and repayment terms are determined by the type of loan borrowed. Check the loan program pages for more details.
For more information, visit hflphilly.org.
Amy Adina Schulman Memorial Fund
The Amy Adina Schulman Memorial Fund provides grants to young adults who volunteer or intern for progressive social action projects or programs in an area of their interest and commitment. Since the Fund’s inception over 1,000 grants have been awarded for work in Africa, Asia, Israel, Latin America, the Middle East, and the United States. Applicants must volunteer on a full-time basis (30 hours per week) for a progressive social justice program or project and have regular supervision under the direction of an established organization usually for at least 3 months and can be eligible for grants up to $1500.
For more information, visit amyadinaschulmanfund.org/.
Plant Your Way to Israel
Sponsored by the Jewish National Fund, Plant Your Way to Israel™ allows you to fund your trip to Israel while helping Israel and JNF at the same time. Students, through age 26, ask friends and family to plant trees with JNF (minimum donation $36), and half of this money will support JNF’s forestry projects in Israel, and the other half will be placed in a special account for you, to be used for any trip to Israel. Register today to create your personal fundraising website to start Planting YOUR Way to Israel.
For more information, visit jnf.org/pyw.
Jewpiter is a rewards program which can help students return to Israel through participation in learning opportunities. Accumulate 5,000 Jewpiter miles for up to $500 in travel, then choose from a list of free (or heavily subsidized) tour + study trips to Israel.
For more information, visit jewpiter.com.